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Lingcod Guided Fishing Trips

A lingcod (or ling cod) is a type of fish that is found in the North Pacific Ocean, particularly along the coast of North America. It is a large, predatory fish that can grow up to about 4 feet in length and weigh up to 80 pounds. Lingcod have a distinctive appearance with their elongated, torpedo-shaped bodies, large mouths, and sharp teeth. They are prized by anglers for their fight and by seafood lovers for their firm, white flesh which is often compared to that of halibut or cod. Lingcod are an important commercial and recreational species in many coastal areas, and they are managed by fisheries agencies to ensure their sustainability.   Lingcod are bottom-dwelling fish and are typically found near rocky reefs, kelp beds, and other structures where they can hide and ambush prey.  They are opportunistic predators and will eat a wide variety of prey, including other fish, squid, and crustaceans.   Lingcod have a long lifespan and can live up to 20 years in the wild.   Don't miss the "Hitchhiker Pictures below" they literally latch on to other fish as we are fishing and come up for the ride to the boat. 

Monter green lingcod caught while fishing with Lewis and CLark Guide Service
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