Oregon Salmon Fishing
Our Salmon fishing trips are different than most- we offer a full day of fishing and not just for Salmon, we also fish for Lingcod, Rockfish and pull crab pots. If you just want to Salmon fish, that's fine, just let us know, however, we like to give you the most opportunities to have fun on the water and fill your freezers. We call it grocery shopping!
How can we offer so many days of Salmon fishing?
​Garibaldi Marina - Our port is close to a zone line called Cape Falcon for fishing regulations, throughout the season will close/change the salmon and halibut fisheries either north or south of the Cape Falcon boundary (north of Manzanita) which is great for us as we can fish either zone depending on what is open.
Oregon Salmon Fisheries
Ocean Salmon
The ocean opens for Salmon fishing in the spring, normally we are targeting spring chinook at this time of year.
In the Summer salmon begin staging outside of their home rivers waiting on the Fall rain to provide enough water for the spawning journey. At this stage in their life, they begin gorging themselves on bait, bulking up for their strenuous journey ahead. This provides the opportunity for fast and furious action when finding a school of these willing biters. Most of the large schools are Coho Salmon, but where there is bait there are also Chinook around. Commonly with the high success rate, we can add some bottom fishing to these trips.
Tillamook Bay / Nehalem Bay Fall Chinook
Run: September - October
Typically, this is when we see our largest King Salmon. Ranging from 15-50 pounds these fish are in their physical prime and are ready to hit the spawning grounds. With the combination of their size and strength and the often shallow water in the bays, these fish put up an incredible fight.