Your Oregon Sturgeon Fishing Experience
We are blessed to have one of the Worlds largest Sturgeon populations right here in Oregon on the Columbia River. It doesn’t matter if you’re embarking on your first sturgeon fishing trip or your hundredth, Oregon has some of the most exciting year-round sturgeon fishing in the country. Sturgeon are migratory, they go out to the ocean to feed and migrate back up the Columbia. We mainly target Sturgeon late May through July at the mouth of the Columbia. This is where the fresh fat ocean fish come to feed on the abundance of anchovies clams and sandshrimp. The majority of this Oversize Sturgeon range from 4 to 8 feet, but it is not uncommon to catch a dinosaur up to 11′. In this area, we are able to fish them in water as shallow as 2 feet deep, often allowing us to see them roll downriver of our bait. The shallow water allows for lighter gear enhancing the fight and feel of these giants.